Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Easter-ed Eggs

     I have just decided to let two eggs hatch.
     We have a lot of pigeons in our town, so there are a lot of pigeons courting and a lot of pigeon-poop, and the cycle, as a result, remains endless. I found two pigeon-eggs in a flowerpot that had nothing growing in it, and so I thought, why not let them just grow. And after about twenty days, I saw two chicks. Ugly to look at, breathing hard, and covered in a yellow, hair-like layer (of skin?). Between then and five days from then, I touched one of the two chicks once. I could feel its pulse on its back. It didn't cock, it didn't try to peck me. It probably thought I was its mamma.
     And then, around after five days from then, after I had shooed the mamma-pigeon away, I tried putting my hand down near the chicks. The chicks had opened their eyes by then, and one of the two (which seemed to be the healthier chick) tried to peck me. I heard its beak go *tut*. Then, the next day, I found two eggs in another pot that we'd left dry.
     Today, I thought I will not have two more pigeons being born in my house. And I shooed the mamma away, and instead of throwing away the eggs, placed them elsewhere, just anticipating a change of minds. And I kept standing there, and waiting to look at how the mamma-pigeon would react. During the day, what's inside the room isn't visible from the outside. And the pigeon returned, only to scratch and scratch pointlessly at the earth. 
     I shooed it away again, and re-placed the eggs where they belonged.
     I never got to choose where, when and how I was born, and I certainly don't get to choose if others are born or not.

1 comment:

  1. love the last line. bit of a truth there. did u know, if birds realise that humans have touched their eggs, they'll push them off the tree/building and kill them?
